<aside> 💫 Design Thinking for Entrepeneurs



Project Overview

This class focused on developing a solution through the design thinking process, on the topic of wicked problems and sustainability. My project choice was food insecurity, with a focus on the aspect of access to healthy, culturally appropriate food for students.

The first step was conducting an ethnographic interview, where I would walk the interviewee through guided questions that would help gain insight into how they go about their day in getting food either through purchasing or making food. The specific questions were focused around the interviewee’s experiences in getting lunch:

OA2-ETHNOGRAPHIC INTERVIEW 2022_compressed.pdf

After understanding the user, we looked to different aspects of design thinking such as computational thinking, critical thinking, business modeling, and assessing risks:

Business Model

A3 - Business Model.pdf

Risk Assessment, project management, marketing

✳️ Possible risks were assessed for this project, their level, and how it could be addressed:

Further, project management helped to develop a criteria for how the project was to be managed, in terms of equipment, people, time, costs, etc. In terms of the cost aspect, a budget of $600,000 was used as an example for this project. An example Kickstarter page was then created to model how this type of business could raise funds, looking to the different ways the business could use marketing:

Final presentation

This presentation outlines the full process, research and understanding, and modeling of this idea

This presentation outlines the full process, research and understanding, and modeling of this idea